Cookie Policy

Our Data

New York Info Is part of Body Power Media. You can use the information below to contact us.

Body Power Media
Allersma 123
5655 CD Eindhoven
KVK: 66582318

What are cookies?

Cookies are small (text) files that are stored on your computer. Your web browser stores these cookies when you visit our website. These cookies are found when you visit our website again. This allows our Website to recognize you as a returning visitor.

Why do we use cookies?

By using cookies we can see how our Website is used and how we can optimize our Website and services. Cookies are also used to make the Website fast and secure.

If you do not want us to store cookies on your computer, you can change the settings of your web browser. Please note that some functions and parts of our Website may not work properly without cookies.

Which cookies do we use?

To optimize the services we provide, we use the following types of cookies:

Functional cookies

Functional cookies are necessary to ensure that the Website works properly. Without these cookies, certain settings (such as language settings) cannot be saved.

Analytical cookies

Analytical cookies are used to investigate the quality and effectiveness of the website. For example, we can see how many users our website has and which pages are visited and in what language. We use this information to improve our Website and services.

Tracking cookies

Tracking cookies follow your clicking behavior and surfing habits. This makes it possible to show advertisements that match your interests. Third parties can also show you relevant advertisements. The following third parties may use tracking cookies on our Website: Get Your Guide.

Affiliate cookies

New York Info is an affiliate web page that gives visitors the opportunity to make a purchase via an affiliate link from another web page we work with. New York Info receives a percentage of every sale made through one of the affiliate links.