Free wifi in New York with LinkNYC. a unique communications network that offers millions of people living in New York and tourists the fastest free public Wi-Fi in the city.
There were in New York thousands of phone booths. Many of these old telephone booths have been converted into WiFi hotspots of the linkNYC network. This network ensures that WiFi is available in almost all of Manhattan and also on the major streets in other neighborhoods. Up to about thirty meters away from the Wi-Fi hotspot, you can log on to LinkNYC’s free Wi-Fi network. Before you can use the network, you must first accept the terms and conditions.
How do you connect to LinkNYC?
1. Go to your wifi settings and choose LinkNYC from the list
2. Enter your email address and tap “Connect.
3. you are connected
The next time you are near a LinkNYC wifi hotspot, your device will automatically connect to the network, allowing you to surf the Internet freely.
Where can I find a linkNYC wifi hotspot in New York?
There are more than 2,000 linkNYC Wi-Fi hotspots in New York City. And more will be added in the future. Want to know where to find a wifi hotspot in New York City ? Then click on the button below.
Wifi in New York: Free Wifi with LinkNYC
Free wifi in New York with LinkNYC. a unique communications network that offers millions of people living in New York and tourists the fastest free public Wi-Fi in the city.
There were in New York thousands of phone booths. Many of these old telephone booths have been converted into WiFi hotspots of the linkNYC network. This network ensures that WiFi is available in almost all of Manhattan and also on the major streets in other neighborhoods. Up to about thirty meters away from the Wi-Fi hotspot, you can log on to LinkNYC’s free Wi-Fi network. Before you can use the network, you must first accept the terms and conditions.
How do you connect to LinkNYC?
The next time you are near a LinkNYC wifi hotspot, your device will automatically connect to the network, allowing you to surf the Internet freely.
Where can I find a linkNYC wifi hotspot in New York?
There are more than 2,000 linkNYC Wi-Fi hotspots in New York City. And more will be added in the future. Want to know where to find a wifi hotspot in New York City ? Then click on the button below.
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