The time difference in New york between the Netherlands ) is 6 hours, but between March 10 and 31 and October 27 and November 3, the time difference with New York is only 5 hours.
Time in New York
If you are going on vacation to New York then of course you want to know what the time difference between the Netherlands and New York is. The time difference depends on summer and winter time. And the time in New York is displayed with AM and PM.
In what time zone is New York located
New York is in the UTC-5 time zone. During summer time this changes to UTC-4. The Netherlands is 6 hours ahead of New York.
Time difference in New York in Summer
The Netherlands switches to summer time later than New York. In the Netherlands we set the clocks forward on the night of Saturday March 30 to Sunday March 31. In New York they will switch to summer time on the night of Saturday 9 to Sunday 10 March. During that time there is only a five hour time difference between the Netherlands and New York.
Time difference in New York in winter
New York switches to winter time later than the Netherlands. In the Netherlands we set the clock back one hour on the night of Saturday October 26 to Sunday October 27. In New York, the clocks will be reset on the night of Saturday 2 to Sunday 3 November. After that the time difference is six hours again.
Calculate time difference in New York
Calculating the time difference between the Netherlands and New York is very easy. If it is 0:00 at night in the Netherlands, you have to subtract 6 hours from that, and that means that in New York it is 6:00 in the evening. When changing from summer time to winter time, the time difference is only 5 hours, which means that it is 7:00 PM in the evening in New York.
Am and PM time
In New York the time is shown in AM and PM and this means the following: AM = all times between 12:00 AM and 12:00 PM. PM = all times between 12:00 noon and 00:00 at night.
Can you suffer from Jetlag when flying to New York
Due to the time difference between the Netherlands and New York, there is a chance that you may suffer from jet lag, but that chance is small. If you fly to New York, you fly west, and the chance of jet lag is smaller than if you fly east.
Tips to prevent jet lag
• Do not eat fatty meals before the flight. The body needs extra energy to digest this, which does not help with jet lag. • Drink enough during the flight to prevent dehydration • When you arrive in New York, try not to go to bed too early, even if you are very tired from your flight. • When you arrive in New York, try to spend as much time outside in the daylight as possible • Sleeping on the flight home or at least trying to do so will help prevent jet lag from taking home with you.
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Are you going on a city trip to New York and would like to visit some of the sights and attractions, take advantage of the offers below!
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Time difference in New York – what time is it in New York?
The time difference in New york between the Netherlands ) is 6 hours, but between March 10 and 31 and October 27 and November 3, the time difference with New York is only 5 hours.
Time in New York
If you are going on vacation to New York then of course you want to know what the time difference between the Netherlands and New York is. The time difference depends on summer and winter time. And the time in New York is displayed with AM and PM.
In what time zone is New York located
New York is in the UTC-5 time zone. During summer time this changes to UTC-4. The Netherlands is 6 hours ahead of New York.
Time difference in New York in Summer
The Netherlands switches to summer time later than New York. In the Netherlands we set the clocks forward on the night of Saturday March 30 to Sunday March 31. In New York they will switch to summer time on the night of Saturday 9 to Sunday 10 March. During that time there is only a five hour time difference between the Netherlands and New York.
Time difference in New York in winter
New York switches to winter time later than the Netherlands. In the Netherlands we set the clock back one hour on the night of Saturday October 26 to Sunday October 27. In New York, the clocks will be reset on the night of Saturday 2 to Sunday 3 November. After that the time difference is six hours again.
Calculate time difference in New York
Calculating the time difference between the Netherlands and New York is very easy. If it is 0:00 at night in the Netherlands, you have to subtract 6 hours from that, and that means that in New York it is 6:00 in the evening. When changing from summer time to winter time, the time difference is only 5 hours, which means that it is 7:00 PM in the evening in New York.
Am and PM time
In New York the time is shown in AM and PM and this means the following: AM = all times between 12:00 AM and 12:00 PM. PM = all times between 12:00 noon and 00:00 at night.
Can you suffer from Jetlag when flying to New York
Due to the time difference between the Netherlands and New York, there is a chance that you may suffer from jet lag, but that chance is small. If you fly to New York, you fly west, and the chance of jet lag is smaller than if you fly east.
Tips to prevent jet lag
• Do not eat fatty meals before the flight. The body needs extra energy to digest this, which does not help with jet lag.
• Drink enough during the flight to prevent dehydration
• When you arrive in New York, try not to go to bed too early, even if you are very tired from your flight.
• When you arrive in New York, try to spend as much time outside in the daylight as possible
• Sleeping on the flight home or at least trying to do so will help prevent jet lag from taking home with you.
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